The Cloud Today

Operating in the virtual world is challenging and knowing where to start when shifting to a cloud environment can seem intimidating. However, in today’s virtual world, cloud computing is integral for the increase in collaboration and efficiency of employees. For this reason, it was reported that more than 90% of organizations are on the cloud today (Galov, 2020). 

The Flexera 2020 report captured insights into how organizations are progressing with their journey to the cloud: 

  • 93% of enterprises have a multi-cloud strategy; 87% have a hybrid cloud strategy.
  • 20% of enterprises spend more than $12 million per year on public clouds.
  • More than 50% of enterprise workloads and data are expected to be in a public cloud within 12 months.

Ask Yourself: 

Is your organization taking advantage of the cloud or are you still strategizing?  Are you being left behind by your competition?  Are your applications portable enough to utilize the cloud?  (It is rarely as easy as “lift and shift”.)  Does your staff have access to all your application infrastructure and security management tools virtually?  

Teams, including those supporting application infrastructure, have become virtual.  Securing and managing application infrastructure is tough.  The cloud sounds like a solution but where do you start?

Cloud Solutions:

  • Elasticity – Automatic provisioning and removing resources to meet demands. Significantly reducing idle resources.
  • Leveraging Reserved Instances – Take advantage of off-peak pricing.  Savings can be 50%-70% lower than on-demand pricing.  
  • Cost Optimization – Fully utilizing virtual cloud tools to manage your cloud environment and provide on demand adjustments and metrics to fine tune your configuration.
  • Security – Leading edge governance and security tools.
  • Mobility –Ability to access your environment from anywhere. 

Embracing the Cloud

Whether you want to save money, virtually manage your application infrastructure or both, today’s cloud solutions deliver.

New Value Solutions has the experience and expertise to ensure your transition to the cloud is successful.  Our integrated approach will help you manage your cloud infrastructure successfully so that you can have the peace of mind that your data is secure. 


Take our Survey below to see if your company is ready for cloud migration:


Flexera 2020 State of the Cloud Report. (2020). 

IT Management Software, Optimization & Solutions | Flexera


25 Must-Know Cloud Computing Statistics in 2020. N, Galov. (2020). 

25 Cloud Computing Statistics in 2020 – Will AWS Domination Continue? (


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