Nearshoring to Canada Makes Sense

In a recent article we touched on the evolving business strategy of outsourcing. It highlighted the advantages of cost efficiencies, staffing flexibility and increased bandwidth when outsourcing to a neighboring country. We then followed up with a poll asking what you see as the main benefit, and 48% of people who voted selected ‘Cost Efficiencies’.

Here are a few examples as to why nearshoring to Canada is economically effective. 

Nearshoring from the United States to Canada 

  • Technical skills and experiences in Canada are the same as the United States.  Our Canadian outsourcing service has delivered projects with a few to a several dozen resources with high end project managers, architects, analysts, developers, and testers. 
  • Due to the lower dollar and lower Canadian compensation costs, resources are 30-40% less expensive than their American peers.  Reduced costs allow you to expand scope or spend in other areas. 
  • Near shore Canadian resources are in the same or within a few hours of your time zone. 
  • Collaboration and communication are easier. If a face-to-face meeting is required, Canadian resources are only a few hours away. 

Canada is a leader in cutting edge technology, business, and political stability. The undeniable similarities between our North American countries inherently make for seamless business integration.   

Whether it be today or down the road, consider New Value Solutions for nearshoring. With our proven experience, outstanding expertise, and solid reputation, we provide our clients the peace of mind that our dedicated team works to provide cost-effective solutions. 

Due to the pandemic most of your work is virtual now anyways, why not save some money at the same time?  

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