Virtualization is a customer first mindset

In recent years, companies have begun to rely on virtualization more heavily to adapt to the proliferation of new technologies, globalization, high user expectation, data security and high data consumption. It has enabled them to achieve digital transformation by interconnecting previously independent infrastructures to create a single cohesive and integrated system. 

Without virtualization, the distribution of IT resources is inefficient, as it is not always applied to the highest in demand. In fact, most unvirtualized servers, use only 15% of their resources during normal operation.  Virtualization products mitigate these product inefficiencies by sharing underutilized resources creating a holistic system. This solution introduced a paradigm shift in how traditional technical environments are planned and deployed to embrace digital transformation.  

Virtualization simplifies business management, promotes faster provisioning, and exercises resource efficiency. With it, physical networks can be virtualized with virtual or software-based switches and Virtualized applications can run anywhere as a single executable. This technology has become especially popular amongst US enterprises of which 75% are expected to integrate Application Virtualization this year, and 69% are expected to use Desktop Virtualization (N.A. 2020). 

The benefits for virtualization solutions are:

  • More efficient use of computing resources
  • Centralized management and support of desktop, servers, and applications
  • Flexibility to work from anywhere
  • Options to work securely from any device
  • Improved disaster recovery and data security
  • Reduced total cost of ownership
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Easy portability and migrations
  • More fluid response to demands on business systems
  • Higher performance business systems leads to higher workforce performance and customer engagement

Today, virtualization is becoming ubiquitous. VMware, Hyper-V and Citrix are market leaders. However, like any IT system, Virtualization solutions can be both timely and challenging to implement and sustain and therefore, to do so a broad set of expertise is required. These expertise include skills with servers, desktops, storage, networks, security, and certifications in the relevant Virtualization products. 

Why New Value Solutions?

With our proven track record in virtualization and our unique managed services program, outsourcing your virtualized environment to us would be dependable, productive, and cost-effective. Our clients span across Canada and the United States for government, private sector, and not-for-profit organizations. Our resources are in North America to ensure our core hours of operations work in harmony with our Canadian and American clients for seamless communication. Additionally, we have a distributed team of Virtualization consultants experts in VMware and Hyper-V, across the continent to provide redundancy and coverage.  Specific to American organizations, by nearshoring your services to Canada you can save significantly on costs because of the exchange rate. Therefore, leveraging some or all our virtualization team members makes sense.

By teaming up with New Value Solutions’ strategic management and technical consultants, you can be rest assured that your virtualized environment will be tailored to your specific needs and work in harmony with your IT roadmap.

Contact for more information. 


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